Cursing Acceptance

The day after Doug's "It's Been Six Months and I'm Still Alive" party. 
At this point he had to use an oxygen bottle to breathe.
A year ago, November 29th, 2009, my best friend, Doug Wright died.
My reflections on the time that has passed:
A year ago today, your heart gave up resisting the inevitable; your labored breathing became silent; your restless drive to keep moving ended.
A year ago today all that was Doug fractured into memory, an aspect of me that you authored, and a quality of existence that has become inseparable from all that you were.
Godamnit, I miss you. You were like a warm bath of acceptance, a conductor of life’s travelogue, an elixir that offered delight and laughter with every sip.
Wherever “Doug” is now, if you are able to ingest these words, know that I’m doing just fine. Each day I try to let go of memory and all that ties me to time. I work to accept our relationship as it is now, to remain in acceptance, so that I can experience you in those subtle unannounced moments of Dougness. When I succeed, I feel deep gratitude not only for you and the road we traveled together but all that is around me. In those moments I am living deeply; my heart is full. That is when, again, you are alive, and I am close to you.


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