
thoughts: dime a dozen; YOU: divinely unique

I've lived my life in a continuous state of needing to create.  In my late 20's, I had a couple of epiphanies. First, I realized that if I stopped creating, then emotionally I started dying. Second, I began to recognize how thoughts were hampering my creative process.  So, I loaded up a brush and painted this statement on the wall of my studio:  "Art is what YOU make. Not what you think you should make."  I had become aware that my uniqueness as an artist and creator, that part of me that is the source or conduit of creative energy has intrinsic value and is distinctly different than my thinking mind. And letting this creativity "happen", free of thoughtful scrutiny, is essential. As I've matured, the dance that my creative self does with my thinking mind has continued. Most of the time, I watch my thoughts from a vantage point just beyond their power to do harm. I work on a spiritual level to honor and appreciate the ME that exists i
Leaving the Premises by Paul Babin

Honoring the Temple

Feb 16, 2013 It's been a little more than a year since I cut my fingers on a table saw. That wakeup call has played out in significant ways in the intervening time. I am taking care of myself in new and dramatic ways, and I've only just begun.  I am a student at the University of Santa Monica (USM) now, where I am studying Spiritual Psychology, "the study and practice of the art and science of the evolution of human consciousness". The significance of the mind's effect on physical well-being is becoming clear as I employ it in attempting to overcome aches and pains. I have been seeing a Naturopathic healer who diagnosed me through a urinalysis lab test to have toxic levels of mercury and lead in my body. I have been ingesting homeopathic remedies to rid my body of the toxic metals. As a result of the above test, I had the amalgam fillings from my teeth replaced by a dentist who specializes in this kind of work. I've been seeing a chiropractor. I
Thanks, Jenn, Yes, this is a story about Doug . Recognizing, honoring, loving ourselves then sharing our unique, divine, creative expressions: this was (and still is) Doug's message. Since his passing, I've worked at this every day, made great strides and felt his encouragement, even excitement throughout. There comes amazing bliss when we recognize the self-created chatter clouding our consciousness. Doug's job was to point out the chatter, the "shoulds and shouldn'ts", the uninvestigated beliefs, the myriad ways our true nature and authentic selves are challenged to be fully present every waking moment. Toward the end, in one of those "what's it all about" conversations Doug said the ultimate state of being, the brass ring of a life well-lived was LOVE. He knew the first and most challenging phase to getting there was loving yourself. This was a huge struggle for Doug. We all saw the evidence of his personal struggle and ultimate failure to lo

Time To Sing

Paul, you deserve to have this relationship. You deserve to be loved for all that you are. You deserve to have all the goodness that the universe is revealing. No one can ever criticize or take away your intrinsic gifts because they are an aspect of god and no human is capable. All your gifts can now be released to the world, because you recognize their value as god-given. All your creative and loving energy can now flow completely, because there is no “you” of substance to resist. When you experience resistance, you can acknowledge that "story" that was; give thanks to that aspect of “you”. It has served its purpose in bringing you to this moment. Then tell it, “It’s time to let go, retire, and enjoy the garden that is blooming.” When you feel the resistance in your throat, while singing, stop, breathe; give thanks to that part of you that has for so long taken care of business by triggering the muscles in your body to clench, and let it go into the garden.

What's An Honoree To Do?

I was roused from sleep the other night by the sound of a door latch. Stumbling into the living room, I looked around; all seemed normal, though my much-loved Society Of Camera Operators trophy had been moved one foot left on its perch atop the piano. I concluded I'd left it there after dusting. The following night, the same sound, and I was up in time to see my SOC trophy spinning slightly and wobbling into place - now a good two feet left of where I'd placed it the night before! Someone or something was disturbing my sacred doorstop,and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. So, the following night, I went throught the usual routine of turning off lights, but rather than retire, I staked out a hiding place to keep an eye on the sacred boat anchor. Lo and behold at around 12:30 am the golden lady with my name on it did a quick look and shot out the door faster than an operator at wrap. I had little choice but to follow her. She headed due south on the 405, exited at

Keepin' It Simple

The duality of “I” The manifest horror Within me  Proves ephemeral When empowered  By unconditional love Remembering we are one Resurrected From the ashes Of sacred gratitude.