
Showing posts from September 11, 2011

Who We Were Before We Woke Up

I was deeply saddened by two moments from the recent   Republican Party debates: The first, the audience's spontaneous applause when a moderator sited 200 plus executions in the state of Texas during Governor Perry's tenure. The second, when a member of the audience shouted "Yeah!", followed by light applause, in response to a question asking whether a critically ill person without health insurance should be left to die. Is this behavior representative of   that many people  in this country?  Is this representative one of our two major political parties? It smacks of the kind of mob mentality you'd expect at a Black Panther rally, or the KKK, not the political organization that's controlled the White House for most of the last 30 years. Ron Paul during one of the debates When you throw in the specter of Michele Bachman suggesting that HPV vaccinations for adolescent girls in Texas is something to reject and fear and Sarah Palin opens her mouth to