
Showing posts from February 10, 2013

Honoring the Temple

Feb 16, 2013 It's been a little more than a year since I cut my fingers on a table saw. That wakeup call has played out in significant ways in the intervening time. I am taking care of myself in new and dramatic ways, and I've only just begun.  I am a student at the University of Santa Monica (USM) now, where I am studying Spiritual Psychology, "the study and practice of the art and science of the evolution of human consciousness". The significance of the mind's effect on physical well-being is becoming clear as I employ it in attempting to overcome aches and pains. I have been seeing a Naturopathic healer who diagnosed me through a urinalysis lab test to have toxic levels of mercury and lead in my body. I have been ingesting homeopathic remedies to rid my body of the toxic metals. As a result of the above test, I had the amalgam fillings from my teeth replaced by a dentist who specializes in this kind of work. I've been seeing a chiropractor. I