What's An Honoree To Do?

I was roused from sleep the other night by the sound of a door latch. Stumbling into the living room, I looked around; all seemed normal, though my much-loved Society Of Camera Operators trophy had been moved one foot left on its perch atop the piano. I concluded I'd left it there after dusting.
The following night, the same sound, and I was up in time to see my SOC trophy spinning slightly and wobbling into place - now a good two feet left of where I'd placed it the night before!
Someone or something was disturbing my sacred doorstop,and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. So, the following night, I went throught the usual routine of turning off lights, but rather than retire, I staked out a hiding place to keep an eye on the sacred boat anchor.
Lo and behold at around 12:30 am the golden lady with my name on it did a quick look and shot out the door faster than an operator at wrap.
I had little choice but to follow her. She headed due south on the 405, exited at Rosecrans, turned east and within minutes was rolling out of sight into the Grand Dragon Bar and Casino in Gardena. I ran after her.
The bouncer at the door stopped me. He had a problem admitting a guy dressed in a terry cloth robe and flip flops. It was only when I told him a no-shit story about working with Jackie Chan that he let me by.
I searched out the casino, the acres of green felt, cigarette smoke and cheep liquor until I found her, my little fire hydrant, ginsoaked and giggling, in the middle of Texas hold'em with Mike Ferris's Achievement Award.
I called Ferris. He came down and we did an intervention on the spot. Now both paper weights are in a 12 Step program and the future looks bright.


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