Good, Bad, Ugly

Thursday night slept at Rob's. First night of sleep near 7 hours. Spoke with Michele who suggested in rational tones the she wanted to tell Elliot, that I never darken the doorway again other to get my stuff, and that she wanted to sell the house after he left for school. I spoke with a mediator - E. Carroll Straus.
Spoke again with Michele who told me she was serving me with divorce papers.
Met with Hartley, and showed her "2,4,6". Her response was so positive she had me show it again to her friend Gail and her daughter Heather. Gail puts money into films, and her daughter is an actress. The response after the second showing was even stronger. There was much discussion and a feeling of genuine success with my work.
Spent the night at Paul Bronston's. Am going to call Jim Klein, since two phone calls have gone un returned from Mira.


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