
After a period of absence I again am at my parent's house. This trip is especially difficult; the distractions are many. My goal is to clear the place in preparation for sale or rent. A huge decision I look forward to having made.

Last night I found my mother's collection of celebrity autographs. Marion Davies and Gary Cooper from the 1930's. A signed letter from Bing Crosby responding to one she sent as a 17 year old fan. A discovery like this invariably sends me to the computer and eBay..."Just what the hell are people paying for something like this?". And I find that the relative monetary value of a Marion Davies autographed photo is around $85. I look up and two hours have passed.

As in March, sensations of the insurmountable return.

This morning I stood in the kitchen and experienced something I last remember having in 1987 in a remote section of Colorado desert - complete silence. Only the hum and crackle of my synaptic world.


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