
Showing posts from 2008

Good, Bad, Ugly

Thursday night slept at Rob's. First night of sleep near 7 hours. Spoke with Michele who suggested in rational tones the she wanted to tell Elliot, that I never darken the doorway again other to get my stuff, and that she wanted to sell the house after he left for school. I spoke with a mediator - E. Carroll Straus. Spoke again with Michele who told me she was serving me with divorce papers. Met with Hartley, and showed her "2,4,6". Her response was so positive she had me show it again to her friend Gail and her daughter Heather. Gail puts money into films, and her daughter is an actress. The response after the second showing was even stronger. There was much discussion and a feeling of genuine success with my work. Spent the night at Paul Bronston's. Am going to call Jim Klein, since two phone calls have gone un returned from Mira.

working today

My meeting with Hartley was a misunderstanding and will take place on Thursday. I spent most of the day trying to make a DVD of "2,4,6" without success. Called Michele to ask if she could give me a warning, I'd not be home when she arrived. Cleaned up my work space, put away the table that's been up all year. Michele finally called around 6:30 to say she was "30 seconds away". She was angry and vindictive. Fifteen minutes later, she arrived as I was trying to get out. No more than cold stares were exchanged. I went to Bronston's house for friendship and consolation. He confirmed with Mark Granoff's friend, a lawyer, Susan Carter, that Fred Glassman is an ethical lawyer. She also refered to Jim Klein, esq - 310-477-1029. Paul talked about the importance of maintaining an unblemished ethical standard through this process, and I agreed. Spent the night at Rob's house. Had trouble going to sleep. Slept for an hour, woke, couldn't fall back until ...
Slept until 10:30 in the shithole Travel Lodge. Spoke with Doug and Larry Wright. At the house now, I'm making a DVD of my film to show to Michele Hartley at 6:30. Have been online researching the divorce options. Literature from Glassman , et al has arrived by mail. I'm thinking I should hold off leaving it for her until her rage has diminished somewhat. But then, not putting this alternative in front of her could cause her to get a litigation attorney . I can't find the Sansa recorder. I wished I'd had it last night when she was threatening me with violence.
I went over to Del's tonight to show her my film. She was very moved by it. Michele called me and told me not to come back to the house. She made threats of destroying my stuff "with a baseball bat". She hung up on me. Del told me to hang out, and we watched "The Departed" . I got home about midnight. Michele had taken my luggage, camera bag and put them on the back stoop. I moved everything back into Kate's room and tried to burn a DVD of my film for showing tomorrow. Michele came down and told me to leave. She walked over and threatened to pull the two hard drives off the desk. She baited me. "I'll get you so mad, you'll hit me, then I can call the cops." She kept using the word "ego" in context of harassing me (she's reading a book about ego and unhappiness). I was like a non-violent protester, shielding myself in expectation of fists and clubs. I tried to find the Sansa recorder, but couldn't. I left and spent 90 minut...

The Swirlingness of It All

My marriage, for so long limping on knarled feet is formally coming to an end. I will keep my notes here on the process, for my own sake and maybe others. Mary-Claire Mira from Mayer, Glassman & Gaines LLP (310-207-0007) tells me to move back in the house! Of course, duh, it's my house too. She says my inheritance is safe with some exceptions, those being the extent to which we took care of household expenses with it. She says mediated settlements run 1/4 to 1/3 the amount of a litigated settlement. It's called "collaborative law". Both sides have to agree neither will take the case to court. An "interest based" settlement is reached. A neutral accountant is hired to asses everything. our pensions are community property I would be looking at spousal support If Michele stays in the house, she pays expenses like the mortgage. I could continue to pay the mortage and take the deduction. spousal support is tax deductable "What's best for both of us?...