Healing, surgery, love

Doug Wright -

On May 26 I had surgery to relieve the compression of my left lung by fluid in the pleural cavity. I can now relieve any future accumulation by mean of a catheter in my side, and the pleural tissue may scar over so that less fluid is produced. I received wonderful care from my surgeon and the nursing staff at IMC, and my recovery has been quick and painless.

Yesterday evening, Friday May 29, was the most powerful experience of my life. A fundraising "celebration" for me was held at Westminster, with over 100 people in attendance. There were musical performances by the Chamber singers, Chris Le Cluyse, and my homies Tim Dolan and Tom Cronin, including a spontaneous and beautiful a capella solo by a student. The music was exquisite.

The event was attended by my former students, colleagues, and friends among the staff at Westminster. I sat quietly listening to one after another describe how I had touched their lives, and I was overcome. When I tried to speak at the end, all I could say was that there is nothing more healing than this. And I'm not exaggerating. I now feel as if I'm filled with light. I am so deeply grateful to everyone whom I've had the privilege to know, and who expressed their love and care last night. It's too much for me to comprehend intellectually, and putting it into words is impossible, but I feel it all the way through me, and I feel it all the time. Thank you.


Doug said…
I knew I would forget someone and I omitted Chris Cline (talk about unforgettable)and Dina Sage, who gave us wonderful musical gifts spanning the entire range of taste.
Jenn Niedfeldt said…
The music was absolutely wonderful! I honestly didn't know anyone could play TWO recorders with their nose. Well. Now I know!

We all love you so much, Doug. Thank you for being willing to give everyone the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to them. I know, at least personally, that I am so glad I was able to voice at least some of the things I've been meaning to tell you over the past few years.

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