What About "Me"?

"Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!", like a pig facing slaughter. He let his shoulders fall, lip curl, posture sag, "What about me?"
"What about you?" Her question was genuine.
"I need you,..."
"Because you complete me, baby."
"You're delusional."
"That's not very nice."
"Don't take it personally. We all are. Some more than others."
"But, I need your love."
"You have it."
"But you're giving me all this harsh shit. That's not loving me."
"The shit starts and ends right there behind your eyeballs. My love is what's trying to bring it out front so you might see it."
"You're killing me, baby."
"I think the 'you' that is spewing this drivel should be killed. It's stinking up the room."

And with that, she pulled out her Glock 19 and let him have it.

“Fuck Zen”, she was heard to mutter as she staggered out the door.

post script: Legend has grown around exactly what her final words were. There are some who claim that what she really said was, "God, that felt good."


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